Our investment process is simple. Average timeline from first conversation to decision is four weeks.
A thirty minute initial chat to get to know you better, and understand your ambition for your company.
A one hour chat with the team to understand how you intend to unlock your first few design partners, build first versions of product, and validate there is a market need.
We do our homework with all the information received and make a decision on whether or not to invest.
We give you an investment offer.
We bring speed, smart networks and capital
$100k+ investment for 5% of your company.
1:1 go-to-market sessions and check-ins with a partner
Access to an army of operators to support you from zero to one
Fundraising readiness resources, support and advice as you raise your first round
At least three introductions to relevant investors as you raise your angel round
We’re looking for operators turned founders building ambitious startups as early as idea stage
A strong operating background in a similar domain you’re building in
A track record of previous experience building something
At least one member is full time (or will be in three months for idea stage)
A technology lead on the team to lead MVP build
We move quickly, bring smart capital, and a solid network to get you from zero to one
We are operators ourselves, and have scaled startups, we’ll support you from 0 to 1
We move quickly and can give your first round strong momentum with smart capital in weeks
You will get 1:1 customised support from the partner directly
Our operator network will provide targeted support (recruiting, product feedback, GTM)
Our investment terms are much better than accelerators
We're down earth, kind and direct. We believe founders are the heroes of the story
We review all applications. After you apply, we review your application. Because of the queue, this will usually takes us roughly two weeks.
We'll contact you in two weeks for a conversation if we'd like to progress discussions.
A thirty minute initial chat to get to know you better, and understand your ambition for your company.
A one hour chat to understand how you intend to unlock your first few design partners, build first versions of product, and validate market need. Meet other members of your team, and see a demo of early versions of your solution.
We do our homework with all the information received and decide whether or not to invest.
We let you know whether or not we will invest, and our proposed terms if we give an offer.
We are for Operators. We invest truly early. We move quickly and give 1:1 support.
We bring speed, smart networks and capital
Up to $150k investment in your new technology company
1:1 go-to-market sessions and check-ins with a partner
Access to an army of operators to support you from zero to one
Fundraising readiness resources, support and advice as you raise your first round
Introductions to relevant investors as you raise your angel round
We’re looking for operators turned founders building ambitious startups as early as idea stage
Founders with domain expertise in the area that they are building software in
Have a track record of previous success building something
At least one member is full time (or will be in three months for idea stage)
A tech lead on the team to lead MVP build
We move quickly, give 1:1 support, and we are operators, so we know what it's like to build
We move quickly and can give your first round strong momentum with smart capital
Our investment terms are much better than accelerators
You will get 1:1 support from the partner directly
We are operators ourselves, with our operator network, we’ll support you from 0 to 1
Looking for smart first funding for a strong headstart?